Choose the program that fascinates you the most, or enhance your experience by combining different programs. You'll always enter Park Side one way or another, so be sure to explore it a little! By clicking on a program, you can find more information, prices, pictures, and videos.
You can check the availability calendar and find more specific information about all our programs and services under the 'Info & Book' buttons.
Extra programs added during Christmas weeks 16.12.2024-5.1.2025
At 15-22.00 Park Side & Hunter´s Hut open
At 15-17.30 Action Park
At 15.00-17.00 Shaman Dinner
At 17.00-18.00 Northern Magician Show
At 18.30-20.30 Shaman Dinner
At 19-21.30 Action Park
At 19.30-21.30 Arcandia Dinner
At 20.30-21.30 Northern Magician Show
Northern Magician
Check the full video of Darkness on Season III (2022-23)
Usual program schedules 11.11.24-21.3.25
At 18-22.00 Park Side & Hunter´s Hut open
At 18.30-20.30 Shaman Dinner
At 19-21.30 Action Park
At 19.30-21.30 Arcandia Dinner
At 20.30-21.30 Northern Magician Show (ending on 28.2)